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Writer's picturePhoenix: Reimagined

Success is rarely a straight line...

Updated: Apr 24, 2023

How do you measure success?

When did you define your version of #success? Was it something you saw in a movie, tv show, or magazine? Do you think it's #realistic? Has it changed?

When I was in my early to mid twenties, I defined success as being able to order a pizza without having to check our bank account first. It sounds simple and probably stupid to most of you but for me, that was a monumental #achievement and one we didn't accomplish until a few years later.

Fast forward to earlier this year (pre-COVID-19) and our definition had morphed into this great monstrous beast of an idea. We were/are #trading our time for money at an incredible (to us) rate of return. The song "Never Enough" from The Greatest Showman really resonated with me.

We have been in the pursuit of a dollar for a long time now.

When will enough be enough? Is success to you a huge house with a pool that has a fire feature and attached jacuzzi, a brand new truck, and a corporate job? Is it a three car garage so filled with "stuff" that you're only able to fit one car in? That's what success meant to me and I think that is because I never had anything close to it growing up.

My mother and I lived in our car for a time and there was more than one meal that she didn't eat because there wasn't enough for both of us.

Now we have, by nearly anyone's standards, achieved the American idea of success. Yet, it is only now that I begin to understand the old adage of, "money doesn't buy happiness." When we first bought this house, I walked through it for weeks with tears in my eyes thinking about how blessed we were to be able to afford such a beautiful place to lay our heads. We are, indeed, immeasurably fortunate to be where we are today.

So why aren't we happy?

Wasn't that the point? Wasn't there a magical finish line that you cross and then all of your troubles disappear? You're suddenly euphoric and left basking in a life of ease forever? It's pretty to think so but the reality is that this lifestyle is a lot to keep up with. It's a lot to do, a lot to manage, and a lot to maintain the income it takes to sustain it.

So what happens when you reach the end of the rainbow and realize that the pot of gold isn't fulfilling? Am I broken? It leaves me wondering if there is something wrong with me. I should be excited/happy/joyful...but instead I feel stressed, anxious, and find myself asking "What is happiness anyway?"

So where do we go from here? That's a good question and one we'll be diving into soon.

Stay tuned!

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Oct 18, 2020

Having lived in my car before... While I still sometimes need to check my balance before ordering a pizza, I find that happiness is not a destination it’s a status; you either are or you are not. That’s a bit Jedi, but I feel that it’s true. As I grow older, I find that I am happier with less. I doubt that I will ever be a person that chases money, mostly because it’s too late now. What I look for are opportunities to do things that I find interesting. Horses and photography are what currently interest me. I try to combine the two, but I am not going to base my enjoyment (or my perceived happiness)) on whether…

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